What is Vedic astrology?
Vedic astrology, or Hindu astrology, is a branch of wisdom derived from the Vedas, ancient spiritual texts compiled in India thousands of years ago. Vedic astrology is referred to as Jyotish, a Sanskrit term that roughly translates to “the science of light” or “the eye.” Through the practice of Jyotish, the results of a person’s karma through many lifetimes are examined to help a person better understand, or “see” his or her nature.
How does Vedic astrology differ from Western astrology?
There are many differences between these two astrological systems, but the main difference is they use different zodiacs. Hindu astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, a stellar-based system, which sets the beginning of the zodiac with the fixed constellation Ashwini. Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac, a seasonal-based system which sets the beginning of the zodiac at the spring equinox, the point in space where the Sun crosses the earth’s equator. Due to a phenomenon called the “precession of the equinoxes,” the earth’s equator shifts backwards through the signs, and is no longer at the same point when both zodiacs were once aligned (which was around 285 AD.) At this time there is about a 24-degree difference between the zodiacs. This means that a person’s sun sign in the Hindu system will usually be one sign back from his or her Western sun sign.
How can I be two “signs”? Which one is “right”?
The two systems of astrology, Western and Hindu, are technically both “right.” They are simply testing for different things. (In fact, thousands of years ago they were “one.”) Western astrology is focused more on personality and behaviors, while Hindu astrology is focused more on examining when certain karmas in your life will be activated (i.e., when certain events will happen in your life). While Hindu astrology, as practiced in the West, still uses a humanistic approach, at its core it is mainly examining the spiritual aims your soul came here to develop, rather than the expressions of your personality.
How does Vedic astrology apply for today?
Vedic astrology applies for today in that it helps an individual understand his or her life in a larger spiritual and metaphysical context. This can be enormously powerful in helping to correct certain “mistakes” a person might have about his or her inner karmic aims that result from conditionings from society, upbringing, etc. The Vedic astrologer helps the individual to learn how to distinguish between planetary and “worldly” influences, rather than be overwhelmed by them, to bring the individual’s life into better mental, emotional, and physical balance.
What do you do with your reading and why it is important?
Before the reading, I ask clients to give me two or three life areas to focus on (e.g., relationship, career) to make sure I address the areas of life currently concerning them most. During the reading itself, I begin with a general life overview, including any strengths and weaknesses in the chart, then an overview of the dashas, or planetary periods. I then discuss any notable current transits, and finally give remedial measures including gemstone and mantra recommendations. As an Ayurvedic astrologer, I can also give general advice on diet and herbs based on the chart.
Can you “change” your chart?
No, you can’t change your chart, but you can “work” with the energies of the chart, which is essentially what the science of Vedic astrology helps you do. The chart is a representation of the manifestations of many acts done over many lifetimes. This is your “karma,” or the result of the processes of cause and effect (the hallmark of life on Earth), and cannot be changed.
Does it matter if the reading is done in person?
Readings can be done in-person, online, or over the phone. A reading is best when I can see you, whether that be in person or online. I welcome clients in my home office, and also use Skype and Zoom. Recordings of readings are sent to the client after the reading.
What if my question isn’t answered here?
Email me here. I love to talk about astrology and would love the chance to get to know you.