Using Mantras in Vedic Astrology
Mantras are an important remedial measure in Vedic astrology. If a planet is causing trouble in your chart, then a mantra will usually be prescribed by the astrologer. Mantras harmonize the cosmic rays of that planet in your body and mind.
You’re likely familiar with the mantra “OM.” This type of mantra is called a Bija mantra, or seed mantra. Bija mantras are primal sounds that have a powerful energetic effect on the body. They reach so far into the subconscious, that they have the ability to effect bodily and karmic change on the deepest level. When used with intention and consistency, they can reduce the effects of these planetary “woes” in your chart.
OM is the all-encompassing mantra that allows us to harmonize with all the cosmic vibrations we receive here on Earth. This is why it so commonly used—it is the equivalent of opening up and saying “yes” to these greater cosmic influences.
The other Bija mantras directly relate to the planets. They are a combination of the main bija mantra, OM, and the initial sound related to the name of the planet. For example, for the Sun, the Bija mantra is “Sūm.” It takes the “S” sound at the beginning of the Sanskrit name for the Sun, Sūryāya, and combines it with “OM.”
The following are mantras for each planet:
Sun Om Sūm Sūryāya Namaha
Moon Om Cham Chandrāya Namaha
Mars Om Kum Kujāya Namaha
Mercury Om Bum Budhāya Namaha
Jupiter Om Brim Brihaspataye Namaha
Venus Om Shum Shukrāya Namaha
Saturn Om Sham Shanaye Namaha
Rahu Om Rām Rāhave Namaha
Ketu Om Kem Ketave Namaha
The other pieces of the mantra are the name of the planet, and “namaha” which means respect, or reverence. The entire mantra is an expression similar to saying “I open up to you, the Sun, with reverence and respect.”
How to Use Planetary Mantras
In general, mantras should be chanted 108 times. You can do this daily, weekly, or monthly to start. Sometimes it’s easier to start with only the first two parts of the mantra (e.g., “Om Sum”).
The more you use them, the greater the power they will have.
You can also look for recordings of these mantras on the Internet (like Youtube, Soundcloud). Be sure the recordings don’t drown out the main Bija sound with distracting instrumentals or extra vocals.